Camp Policies

Schedule Changes
So that we can make sure that campers have fun and that they are safe, we make appropriate arrangements for the number of campers in each age group who will be joining us every day. That said, we understand that unexpected events may, from time to time, make it necessary for you to change scheduled camp sessions. For this reason, we have set up the following procedures to make it easy for you to arrange for schedule changes: There is no extra charge for changes in schedule that are made via e-mail or through our on-line scheduling program. Changes must be requested by 5pm on the Friday before the week you would like to change. We will confirm the change in writing; schedule/date changes that are not confirmed will not be honored. Schedule changes must maintain the full week of the camper’s original reservation. Days are not transferable and there are no refunds for days missed. No make-up days are allowed.
Spring Break Camp
If you have a change of plans before February 25, 2024 we will refund all but the $35 registration fee per camper. After that date and before the first day of camp, we will refund all but the $35 registration fee and 50% of the total amount paid (after any discounts received). After the first day of Spring Break camp 2024, there are no refunds or credits given for canceled/unused days of camp for any reason.
Summer Camp
If you have a change of plans before May 1, 2024 we will refund all but the $35 registration fee per camper. After that date and before the first day of camp, we will refund all but the $35 registration fee and 50% of the total amount paid (after any discounts received). After the first day of summer camp, there are no refunds or credits given for canceled/unused days of camp for any reason.
Full tuition is required at the time of registration.
Health And Safety
Camper and staff health and safety is our top priority. Sandy Days Kids Camp is compliant with Los Angeles County’s Department of Public Health guidelines, and we closely monitor public health communications from the Centers for Disease Control and other authorities to maintain the highest level of safety. More in-depth safety information can be found here.

Foul Weather
Due to circumstances outside our control, weather conditions may force a closure of camp during your camp days. The closure may be a government order, Sandy Days’s voluntary safety precaution, or other requirement. In all cases except a mandated closure announced on the camp day, you will be offered a prorated fee at your next camp session, whether in a subsequent week, or a subsequent season. The prorated fee will be in the form of one fewer camp day charged, for each day camp was canceled in your original schedule. For example, for cancellation of one day of your spring camp session, you will be offered a week of summer camp, for the one-week rate, less one day.